OpenGeoHub Summer School 2023

Cloud-based analysis of Earth Observation data using openEO Platform, R and Python (part 1)
2023-08-30, 09:00–10:30, Room 21 (Sala 21)

openEO Platform holds a large amount of free and open as well as commercial Earth Observation (EO) data which can be accessed and analysed with openEO, an open API that enables cloud computing and EO data access in a unified and reproducible way. Additionally, client libraries are available in R, Python and Javascript. A JupterLab environment and the Web Editor, a graphical interface, allow a direct and interactive development of processing workflows. The platform is developed with a strong user focus and various use cases have been implemented to illustrate the platform capabilities. Currently, three federated backends support the analysis of EO data from pixel to continental scale.
The future evolution of openEO Platform in terms of data availability and processing capabilities closely linked to community requirements, facilitated by feature requests from users who design their workflows for environmental monitoring and reproducible research purposes. This presentation provides an overview of the completed use cases, the newly added functionalities such as user code sharing, and user interface updates based on the new use cases and user requests. openEO Platform exemplifies how the processing and analysing large amounts of EO data to meaningful information products is becoming easier and largely compliant with FAIR data principles supporting the EO community at large.

What is your current associations to EU Horizon projects (if any)?

Open-Earth-Monitor Cyberinfrastructure (Grant agreement ID: 101059548)

Please provide URL that you plan to use to distribute your materials (if available).

Affiliation: University of Münster
Research interests: Spatial Statistics, Geoinformatics, Spatial Data Science, Reproducible Research, R
About: I lead the spatio-temporal modelling laboratory at the institute for geoinformatics, and am currently head of institute.

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