Hands-On Soil Health
2025-04-10, 11:30–12:00, HugoTECH

Traditional soil science, rooted in chemical analysis, has long been the go-to method, but these techniques are often slow, require special pre-treatments, and target parameters that may offer little practical value to those managing the land. As a result, samples go to the lab, data is produced, but by the time it returns, conditions may have changed. This delay leaves managers struggling to make real-time decisions about soil health in the field—decisions that can’t wait for lengthy analysis.
Soil management is an active, time-sensitive process. Whether it’s waiting for rain to come or deciding when to irrigate, soil must be tested quickly, and the results need to be actionable immediately. Instead of complex reports that require expert interpretation, land managers need fast, reliable data that provides clear advice for their specific needs.
There are new methods for measuring soil health—many in fact—but they often output passive data that lacks meaningful interpretation or provide the wrong type of information entirely. What’s needed is a holistic, dynamic approach that spans from fast, practical soil testing to integrated, tailored solutions that account for local conditions and regulations. This approach must center around the real-world needs of land managers and farmers, providing them with the tools and insights they need to make decisions on the spot.
In this keynote, we will explore innovative, multi-level approaches to soil measurement that put the user at the centre. From rapid testing solutions to customized data interpretation, we will discuss how technology and science can meet the immediate demands of land management, ensuring that soil health decisions are both timely and impactful. Join us as we delve into the future of soil measurement and management, paving the way for more effective, real-time decision-making.

Sonia is the Chief Technology Officer at Digit Soil, where she leads the development of affordable, advanced soil sensors to promote sustainable soil management on a global scale. With a PhD from ETH Zürich’s Plant Nutrition Group and a Master’s in Biotechnology from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Sonia combines a deep understanding of natural systems with cutting-edge engineering. Her work bridges soil science with practical technology, helping land managers access real-time data for smarter, more sustainable decision-making in soil health.

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