Partner Pymwymic

Areas of responsibility: Investor Relations & Business Development

Maarten joined Pymwymic (the Put Your Money Where Your Meaning Is Community) as member of the management team 10 years ago. Within this impact investing cooperative (with its focus on healthy food systems) his main responsibility is investor relations and business development. With 20 years of entrepreneur-investor experience, Maarten is driven to make things happen. His passion for food, agriculture and SME’s has led him to also become board member of the 200 year-old farming cooperative Wilhelminapolder and SBNL Nature Fund, as well as co-owner of two sustainable wood companies. Eight years ago, together with his wife and three daughters, Maarten decided to further ‘Put his Money Where his Meaning Is’ and develop their own farm in Leersum showcasing the newest developments in nature-inclusive farming.

The speaker's profile picture


The mother of all solutions is the soil

Maarten van Dam's story will all be around one core message: the mother of all solutions is the soil. Both from conventional farmers and regenerative farmers—but especially from investment cooperative Pymwymic —it’s about this and the urgency related with this.
The mother of all solutions is the soil. Maarten van Dam addresses this not from a biological or community perspective, but solely from a business angle.
• For Pymwymic, this means a business and impact-investing focus,
• For regenratiev farm Schevichoven it si about demonstrating financial feasibility,
• and from the more conventional agriculture side, it is a reality check grounded in existing farming practices.
Hands-on, field-based experiences, data-driven insights, and above all, the courage to balance pioneering with established practices are the key aspects that Maarten van Dam will highlight. Pymwymic operating from a €100+ million fund, Schevichven is expanding to 26 hectares of regenerative permaculture, and the Wilheminapolder is rooted in its 2000-hectare conventional arable farming operation in the Netherlands. Ultimately, this keynote will show that every step, and the support we provide, and the way we pratice, leads to a healthy and productive soil, which is essential for sustaining business in the long run.
Maarten van Dam will deliver his story straight from the heart, without the use of PowerPoint or other prepared materials. His approach will be improvised, shaped by the feedback and reactions he receives from the audience.

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