OpenGeoHub Summer School 2023

Discussion panel: What can R, Python, and Julia development communities do to combat the climate crisis?
2023-08-30, 17:15–18:45, Room 21 (Sala 21)

What can R, Python, and Julia development communities do to combat the climate crisis. Let’s explore solutions, together with leading experts in each programming language. Join this interactive discussion, ask us your questions, and answer ours online!

During this year’s discussion forum, we will have the pleasure to listen to expert presentations by

Anita Graser, Spatial data scientist, Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna
Edzer Pebesma, Director of the Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster
Maarten Pronk, GeoData Scientist, Deltares
Lorena Abad, Researcher at Z_GIS – Department of Geoinformatics, University of Salzburg
Tomislav Hengl, Data Scientist and Technical Director of OpenGeoHub Foundation

What is your current associations to EU Horizon projects (if any)?