Open Earth Monitor — Global Workshop 2024

Time-series reconstruction of global scale historical Earth observation data by seasonally weighted average
2024-10-03, 13:50–14:10, Theatre Hall (Conference Center Laxenburg)

While various imputation methods are available to reconstruct gappy time series of images, most of them are inadequate for large datasets like the full Landsat archive.
To address this need, this work proposes a new methodology called seasonally weighted average generalization (SWAG). SWAG works solely on the time dimension, reconstructing images by employing a weighted average of available samples in the original time series. It prioritizes images collected at integer multiples of a year to enforce annual seasonality and gives higher weights to more recent images to avoid propagating land cover changes. The method is implemented as part of the open source Python package scikit-map and optimized for computational efficiency.

What is your current associations to EU Horizon projects (if any)?

Open-Earth-Monitor Cyberinfrastructure (Grant agreement ID: 101059548)

Davide Consoli received the Ph.D. degree from Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, in 2023, thesis on fast methods for computational electromagnetics with biomedical applications.

He is currently working as a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the OpenGeoHub Foundation, The Netherlands. At OpenGeoHub, Davide supports the foundation’s work at international projects developing solutions for high performance computing and modeling on large scale spatiotemporal earth-observation data.

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