Open Earth Monitor — Global Workshop 2024

Global Forest Watch: the latest data and tools to better protect forests
2024-10-02, 12:00–12:45, Wodak Room (IIASA)

The workshop aims to present new data sets related to tree management available on the GFW website and tools for collecting feedback on these data sets and tools to collect training and validation data.
The list of new data sets includes the new version of Spatial Database of Planted Trees, the
Natural Lands Map, and a new version of the Forest management layer for the year 2020. Discussion will focus on current challenges data producers face such as dataset definitions, data gaps, and quality assurance of the presented datasets.

Initial Agenda:
· Spatial Database of Planted Trees (SDPT) by WRI (Elise Mazur)- 10 minutes
· Natural Lands Map by WRI (Liz Goldman) – 10 minutes
· Forest management layer 2020 by IIASA (Myroslava Lesiv) – 10 minutes
· Discussion – 15 minutes

What is your current associations to EU Horizon projects (if any)?

Open-Earth-Monitor Cyberinfrastructure (Grant agreement ID: 101059548)