Gilberto Camara
Gilberto Câmara is a Brazilian researcher in Geoinformatics, GIScience, Spatial Analysis, and Land Use Modelling from INPE (Brazil's National Institute for Space Research). He was INPE’s director general (2005-2012), visiting professor at the Institute for Geoinformatics at the University of Münster (2013-2015), and Director of the Secretariat of GEO (Group on Earth Observations) from 2018-2021. He published 180 papers and cited more than 17,500 times with an H-index of 55 (Google Scholar, February 2024).

Workshop: Big Data Analytics in Open Geo Hub Cloud using SITS
Gilberto Camara, Deleted User
This hands-on workshop will present the use of big data analytics to work with data available at the Open GEO Hub cloud service
OEMC project workshop
Maria Theresia Seminar room (Conference Center Laxenburg)
Brazilian use case of economic land-use modelling to impact policy
Gilberto Camara
Please provide an abstract and exact title as soon as possible
Theatre Hall (Conference Center Laxenburg)