Open Earth Monitor — Global Workshop 2024

Martin Jung

Martin Jung is a Senior Research Scholar with the Biodiversity, Ecology, and Conservation (BEC) Research Group. His current research focusses broadly on nexus topics of land-use, socio-economic management practices and biodiversity indicators as well as investigating cost-effective solutions for robust monitoring and planning of conservation interventions for species and ecosystems.

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Actual and potential habitat and vegetation type mapping to support conservation science
Martin Jung

Earth observation data provides an invaluable resource to assess the state and condition of the environment. However, many domain–specific applications, such as the mapping of species-specific habitats and vegetation for conservation, often require specific spatial and thematic resolutions, rather than off–the–shelf products. And although remotely sensed data is critical to assess actual coverage, particularly for the assessment of restoration opportunities, knowledge on the potential distribution of habitats and vegetation is usually required. Here I will provide an overview of ongoing efforts to estimate current and potential vegetation types across global, European and local extents. I will focus both on approaches to integrate existing data sets for global and European habitat estimates, but also demonstrate the potential of earth observation data and deep learning to identify vegetation types at high resolution. Finally, I will highlight opportunities to bring the Earth observation and ecology community closer together particularly in the light of data gaps, harmonization and standards.

Theatre Hall (Conference Center Laxenburg)