Ivette Serral
Ivette Serral. BSc in Environmental Sciences and MSc in Remote Sensing and GIS for the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. With more than ten years of experience in environmental geospatial research related to European and national projects. At CREAF she is focused on geospatial data management, from standardization to analysis and visualization following FAIR principles, She also contributes to the MiraMon GIS software development and applications. She co-coordinated the GeoViQua FP7 project (2007-2013) and ConnectinGEO H2020 (2015-2017). She is participating in AD4GD HE (2022-2024) on the development of the Green Deal Data Space and in coordinating the tasks in Pilot 2 on biodiversity and terrestrial habitat connectivity.
She is leading the GEO Community Activity on Essential Variables,
She is member of the EuroGEO Action Group on Data Spaces.

Integrity of natural ecosystems is one of the main concerns of current European and Global Green Policies, e.g., the European Green Deal. Public administration managers need reliable and long-term information for a better monitoring of the ecosystems and climate evolution and inform decision makers. Data Spaces are intended to become the EC comprehensive solution to integrate data from different sources with the aim to generate and provide a more ready to use knowledge on climate change, circular economy, pollution, biodiversity, and deforestation. This workshop aims to discuss pros and cons of some technological solutions in terms of Data Spaces, OGC standards, semantic descriptions, datacubes, FAIR principles and sovereignty of data. It also intends to share lessons learned from main EC projects dealing with the topic: AD4GD, GREAT, B-cubed, Fairicube, etc.
Recording of the session: