Open Earth Monitor — Global Workshop 2024

Imma Serra

Research technician at CREAF.

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The interoperable alternative map browser for the datasets produced in OEMC
Joan Maso, Imma Serra

One of the major challenges in data management is (and in the project OEMC) is demonstrating the correct implementation of the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reproducible) principles. To make data accessible, it is required that “data is retrievable by their identifier using a standardised communications protocol that should be open, free, and universally implementable”.
OEMC has produced a list of datasets that are exposed to the public with and elegant Open-Earth-Monitor App. Our talk will focus on demonstrating the interoperability of the taken approach, showing an alternative web map browser that gives access to the same OEMC datasets. This web map browser was deployed using the original MiraMon Map Browser technology without any customization and using only Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards web services calls, demonstrating the technical interoperability of the OEMC services. The presented visualization portal goes beyond a simple visualization by combining the OGC WMS standard with modern web browser capabilities. During the talk, we will demonstrate how to access OEMC datasets through MiraMon browser functionalities, such as query by location, multiple projections support, reading storymaps, and data multidimensional support among others. An important feature of the visualization portal is that it allows the final users to provide common feedback about the data (such as star rating and comments) that are shared with other users as well as to produce and share their own storymaps and this way share the knowledge gained by analysing the data.
