Open Earth Monitor — Global Workshop 2024

Aleksandar Sekulić

Aleksandar Sekulić is a technical manager of GILAB DOO BEOGRAD and an assistant professor at the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade. His main areas of expertise are: GIS, Geostatistics, Machine Learning, and modelling of spatial and spatio-temporal phenomena, with an application in spatio-temporal interpolation of meteorological phenomena.

  • Workshop: MeteoEurope1km: a high-resolution daily gridded meteorological dataset for Europe for the 1961–2020 period
Andrey Lessa Derci Augustynczik
  • ForestNavigator: combining forest monitoring and modelling for assessing policy pathways towards EU climate neutrality
Arnan Araza

Postdoctoral researcher focusing on the applications of Earth Observation into environmental-economic accounting

  • SEEA carbon accounting using Earth Observation datasets and its comparison with carbon accounts following the UNFCCC framework
Brian Pondi
  • A European Air Quality Monitor
Bruno Ćaleta

Master of Nature and Environmental Protection working in the realm of Remote Sensing. Fascinated by the intersection of technology and nature, with a focus on machine learning, ecological modeling, and biodiversity monitoring. 🌍

  • Satellite-based maximum entropy modelling for identifying potential soil microplastics hotspots
Carmelo Bonannella

Carmelo has a PhD in GIS Science and Remote Sensing from Wageningen University and Research (WUR) with a specialization in forest resources monitoring and management through geospatial data science applications and time series analysis.

  • Workshop: Inferring spatiotemporal dynamics of mosquitoes in Italy using machine learning
  • Multi-decadal trend analysis and forest disturbance assessment of European tree species: concerning signs of a subtle shift
Chandra Taposeea-Fisher

I have been working in the Earth Observation in some capacity since 2009, where I had an internship at ESA in The Netherlands. Since then, I have been a Young Graduate Trainee at ESA in Rome, completed a PhD in Numerical and Marine Geophysics from Imperial College London, and have been working full time in the Earth Observation sector since 2017. Now a Senior Project Manager at Telespazio UK, I have worked on primarily ESA projects, including a Digital Twin Earth for Food Systems precursor, EO4SD Lab, CCI Sea State, several Thematic Exploitation Platforms, the TRUTHS Satellite. I am project manager for both the EOEPCA+ and EarthCODE ESA projects, both having FAIR Open Science principles at their forefront.

  • EO Exploitation Platform Common Architecture
Codrina Maria Ilie

Codrina Ilie is a technical geographer, an open source GIS/RS power user, actively working in improving open data services development at Terrasigna. In her 12 years of activity, Codrina has essentially focused on using open source GIS and RS solutions for data management, processing and visualization. As an advocate for foss4g, since 2010 she has been a volunteer trainer in the Romanian geospatial community, Since 2013, Codrina has been a Charter Member and today serves the geospatial community as an OSGeo Board of Directors member, within her second term.

  • The evolution of the OSS4gEO, a FOSS4G resources platform initiative
Daniel E. Pabon-Moreno
  • Quantifying the (mis)match between in-situ and satellite time series: the case of eddy covariance flux observations
Daniel Loos
  • Rethinking the grid: Towards less distorted imagery and AI
Daniele Da Re
  • Workshop: Inferring spatiotemporal dynamics of mosquitoes in Italy using machine learning
Davide Consoli

Davide Consoli received the Ph.D. degree from Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, in 2023, thesis on fast methods for computational electromagnetics with biomedical applications.

He is currently working as a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the OpenGeoHub Foundation, The Netherlands. At OpenGeoHub, Davide supports the foundation’s work at international projects developing solutions for high performance computing and modeling on large scale spatiotemporal earth-observation data.

  • Workshop: Accessing global scale, historical and complete Landsat data
  • Time-series reconstruction of global scale historical Earth observation data by seasonally weighted average
Dmitry Shchepashchenko
  • The GEO-trees project
Elise Mazur
  • Workshop: Global Forest Watch: the latest data and tools to better protect forests
Elizabeth Goldman
  • 10 years of Global Forest Watch – from data to impact
Felix Specker

Geospatial Data Scientist at the Crowther Lab, ETH Zurich.

  • Global Trait-Based Vegetation Monitoring
Florian Hofhansl

I am a research scholar in the Biodiversity, Ecology, and Conservation (BEC) Research Group of the IIASA Biodiversity and Natural Resources (BNR) Program exploring the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning with a focus on plant functional traits, life-history theory, and spatial ecology.

  • Landscape-scale And Spatially Explicit Representation of tropical vegetation dynamics and ecosystem carbon stocks (LASER)
Fulvio Di Fulvio
  • ForestNavigator: combining forest monitoring and modelling for assessing policy pathways towards EU climate neutrality
Garin Smith

Ground Segment Architect specialising in Reproducible Science, AI (Artificial Intelligence), ARD (Analysis Ready Data) and Quality initiatives in the space industry. Heavily involved in the architecture of Open Source solutions, frameworks and platforms.

Leading a number of initiatives that exploit the capability of the ESA EOEPCA+ platform including ESA EarthCODE, ESA Open Science Catalogue and other Data Quality initiatives.

Technical lead (Prime) for ESA EarthCODE and ESA AI4DTE Artificial Intelligence initiative.

Technical lead and project manager for the ESA AIOPEN Artificial Intelligence initiative Telespazio component.

Technical lead (Prime) for UK Space Agency UK EO Data Architecture Report.

Technical lead (Prime) and project manager on an ESA project to deliver Analysis Ready Data on the ASAR CARD4L NRB Product Development Project.

  • EarthCODE – A FAIR Open Science environment for the Earth sciences
  • EO Exploitation Platform Common Architecture
Gebeyehu A. Zeleke

Gebeyehu Abebe (Ph.D.), an assistant professor at Debre Berhan University in Ethiopia, specializes in remote sensing. His research interests span crop growth monitoring, SAR image processing, data fusion, machine learning algorithms, and crop modeling. Currently, he’s conducting research as part of the 2023 African Research Fellow program at ESA/ESRIN in Frascati, Italy.

  • Assimilating Leaf Area Index and Soil Moisture from Optical and SAR Data into the WOFOST Model to Improve Maize (Zea mays L.) Yield Estimation
Gilberto Camara

Gilberto Câmara is a Brazilian researcher in Geoinformatics, GIScience, Spatial Analysis, and Land Use Modelling from INPE (Brazil's National Institute for Space Research). He was INPE’s director general (2005-2012), visiting professor at the Institute for Geoinformatics at the University of Münster (2013-2015), and Director of the Secretariat of GEO (Group on Earth Observations) from 2018-2021. He published 180 papers and cited more than 17,500 times with an H-index of 55 (Google Scholar, February 2024).

  • Workshop: Big Data Analytics in Open Geo Hub Cloud using SITS
  • Brazilian use case of economic land-use modelling to impact policy
Gregory Duveiller

Gregory Duveiller holds a PhD in agronomical science and biological engineering from the Université catholique of Louvain (UCLouvain), Belgium. After his PhD, he spent 10 years working at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), in Ispra, Italy. He has specialized in developing methods to combine different satellite remote sensing data streams to better monitor and understand land processes, including crop yield monitoring, land cover change and land-atmosphere interactions. Since 2021 he is a project group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena, Germany. His main research aims at improving our understanding of the role of terrestrial ecosystems in the Earth System by using data-driven yet process-based thinking applied to satellite Earth Observation data. A key focus is on exploring the complexity and diversity of terrestrial ecosystems, and how their specific functional properties affect land-atmosphere interactions.

  • Systemic human-biosphere-atmosphere monitoring and diagnostics
  • Exploring the biophysical impacts of potential changes in tree cover in Africa
Hamidreza Mosaffa

I'm a Postdoctoral Researcher at the National Research Council of Italy (IRPI-CNR), working with Prof. Luca Brocca. I'm interested in developing machine learning tools to enhance hydrological monitoring and modeling. This work aims to improve our ability to mitigate natural hazards. My current research is focused on high-resolution satellite products with deep learning algorithm and create hybrid physics-aware models.

  • Dynamic Flood Susceptibility Assessment: Harnessing High-Resolution Data for Effective Risk Reduction
Imma Serra

Research technician at CREAF.

  • The interoperable alternative map browser for the datasets produced in OEMC
Inge Jonckheere
  • Open data, open science and open platforms: way forward with Earth Observation in the actual climate crisis
Ivan Haščič
  • Assessing population exposure to air pollution: A multi-pollutant indicator framework for OECD countries and partners
  • Land cover change and biodiversity pressures: A global analysis leveraging EO data
Ivette Serral

Ivette Serral. BSc in Environmental Sciences and MSc in Remote Sensing and GIS for the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. With more than ten years of experience in environmental geospatial research related to European and national projects. At CREAF she is focused on geospatial data management, from standardization to analysis and visualization following FAIR principles, She also contributes to the MiraMon GIS software development and applications. She co-coordinated the GeoViQua FP7 project (2007-2013) and ConnectinGEO H2020 (2015-2017). She is participating in AD4GD HE (2022-2024) on the development of the Green Deal Data Space and in coordinating the tasks in Pilot 2 on biodiversity and terrestrial habitat connectivity.
She is leading the GEO Community Activity on Essential Variables,
She is member of the EuroGEO Action Group on Data Spaces.

  • Workshop: Data Spaces: the EC solution for environmental, biodiversity and climate challenges. Different approaches on multisource data, semantics, FAIRness and sovereignty
Jaime Gaona

Jaime Gaona was born in Burgos, Spain in 1986. Jaime has a background specialized in hydrology during his Civil Engineering studies from the University of Burgos (2013) and his M.Sc. in Hydraulics and Environment from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (2015).

Jaime holds a PhD supported by an Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate scholarship in river Sciences (2019) from Freie Universität Berlin and Universitá Degli Studi di Trento, associated with the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology (Berlin IGB), focused on characterizing and modeling the groundwater-surface water interactions (hyporheic exchange) using innovative measurement techniques such as FO-DTS and hydrogeophysics directed by Jörg Lewandowski and Alberto Bellin.

He started as postdoc in 2019 to study soil moisture and evaporation in the Spanish National Science Project HUMID devoted to the analysis of Iberian drought based on remote sensing and land surface modelling at Ebro Observatory with Pere Quintana-Seguí, while helping to lecture hydraulics and irrigation systems at the Polytechnic University of Barcelona (2020).

Jaime was from 2021 JCYL-supported researcher at the University of Salamanca, Spain, group of Water resources led by José Martínez Fernández at the Research Institute of Agrobiotechnology (CIALE), working on the analysis of soil moisture relevance to vegetation responses.

Jaime is currently research fellow working in soil moisture analysis at the Hydrology group led by Luca Brocca of the Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection IRPI of the Italian National Research Council in Perugia, Italia.

  • Drought monitoring across scales with open soil moisture remote sensing data
Joan Maso

Dr. Joan Masó (m) is a Principal investigator of CREAF leading specialized group on geospatial interoperability, GIS, remote sensing . (PhD in Geography, MSc in Physics, and a MSc in Electronic Engineering all in the UAB). Since 1995 he is a researcher at CREAF and GIS developer. Co-creator of the MiraMon compressed map in 1997 that has evolved into a distribution and preservation format. Teacher in a RS and GIS master in the UAB. Creator of Remote Sensing imagery visualization and download software for web data portals (the MiraMon Map Browser). Expert in JPEG2000 format. He is an active member of the TC of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) since 2003 (editor OGC 07- 057r7 WMTS standard and the new OGC 20-057 OGC API Tiles among others and chair of the Iberian and Latin American Forum; ILAF). Spanish representative in the TC 211 and editor of the ISO 19165 Preservation of geospatial data and metadata. OGC Gardels gold medal in 2018. Coordinator of GeoViQua FP7 project (research project about visualization of quality information in GEOSS), H2020 ConnectinGeo and currently HE AD4GD. Participant in several European projects related with biodiversity, citizen science, remote sensing and research infrastructures such as H2020 ECOPOTENTIAL, H2020 GroundTruth 2.0, H2020 WeObserve H2020 ERA-PLANET, H2020 E-Shape, H2020 BestMap, H2020 COS4Cloud (INTRAEOSC project), H2020 Framework-biodiversity, H2020 WQeMS, HE OEMC, HE CitiObs, HE More4Nature, - ESA-IHE Phenotandem, EEA InCASE, as well as some other national and local projects related both with remote sensing and geospatial standards and applications. Earth and Space Science Informatics (ESSI) former division president in the European Geosciences Union (EGU). Chair of the OGC API Common, OGC API Tiles and OGC API Maps working groups and member of the OGC Architecture Board. Co-chair of the Citizens Science GEOSS working group. Senior member of IEEE and member of the International Society of Digital Earth (ISDE) council. Chair of the Community of Practice in Interoperability for Citizen Science.

  • Workshop: Data Spaces: the EC solution for environmental, biodiversity and climate challenges. Different approaches on multisource data, semantics, FAIRness and sovereignty
  • The interoperable alternative map browser for the datasets produced in OEMC
Johannes Heisig
  • Research Associate (Open Earth Monitor Cyberinfrastructure, ongoing)
  • PhD Geoinformatics (University of Münster, ongoing)
  • M.Sc. Environmental Geography (University of Bayreuth, 2020)
  • B.Sc. Geography (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 2017)
  • A European Air Quality Monitor
Johannes Reiche

Dr Johannes Reiche is assistant professor at the Laboratory of Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing, Wageningen University where he leads the radar remote sensing group and the RADD forest disturbance alert development. He obtained his PhD (2015) from Wageningen University and his MSc (2011) from the University of Jena. His research interest is on utilizing radar remote sensing to unravel human activities in and dynamics of forest ecosystems, with a strong focus on multi-sensor methods, near real-time change monitoring and characterisation of drivers, follow-up land use and commodities.

  • Assessing forest disturbance dynamics and drivers using radar satellite data
John Schellnhuber
  • The Role of Earth Observation for the European Bauhaus Initiative"
Katja Berger

Dr Katja Berger received the PhD in Agriculture and Remote Sensing at the University of Applied Life Sciences in Vienna, Austria, in remote sensing, agriculture and forestry. She worked as senior scientist at the Department of Geography (Physical Geography and Remote Sensing), at the Ludwigs-Maximilians Universität (LMU) München in the framework of the preparations of the German hyperspectral EnMAP mission. In this context she focused on efficient retrieval algorithms for multiple crop traits. In 2022 she joined the Image Processing Laboratory (IPL) at the University of Valencia, Spain, supporting research activities in the context of ESA CHIME projects. Since February 2024 she is employed as Post Doc at GFZ Potsdam. The work focus is on engaging with stakeholders and building networks to promote the uptake of EO data and products for forest and land monitoring applications, from national to global levels. She participated actively in COST actions, such as the “Pan-European Network of Green Deal Agriculture and Forestry Earth Observation Science” (PANGEOS) leading science communications with a focus on stakeholder engagement. She is organizing as main chair the EARSeL Imaging Spectroscopy workshop in April 2024 in Valencia and is an active member of the ESA’s Sentinel-2 next generation Mission Advisory Group (MAG).

  • User and producer perspectives for FAIR environmental data
Kenji Ose
  • Workshop: The nrt Ecosystem: A Unified Approach to Forest Disturbance Monitoring
Kristof Van Tricht

Remote sensing researcher active in the agricultural domain, from crop classification to crop monitoring, in support of global food security.

  • WorldCereal: a dynamic open-source system for global-scale, seasonal, and reproducible crop mapping
Leandro Leal Parente

Computer scientist with a PhD in Environmental Science working with remote sensing, data science, machine learning, high-performance computing and WebGIS applications.

  • Monitoring livestock and agricultural systems: An ensemble approach based on data harmonization
  • Workshop: Geo-AutoML with Scikit-map
Linara Arslanova
Linda See

Linda See is a Principal Research Scholar in the Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability (NODES) research group at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). Her main research interests include artificial intelligence-based methods, geographic information systems (GIS), land cover, crowdsourcing, and citizen science. She is currently an editor of Environment and Planning B.

  • Mapping land use management in Europe using remote sensing, in situ data and statistical information
Liz Goldman
  • Workshop: Global Forest Watch: the latest data and tools to better protect forests
Luca Brocca

Luca Brocca received the Master's degree and the PhD in Civil Engineering in 2003 and 2008 respectively. Since (2009) 2019 he is (Researcher) Director of Research at the National Research Council, Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection of (CNR-IRPI) in Perugia. He is author and co-author of 190+ journal refereed papers (17000+ citations), 80+ papers in peer-reviewed conference proceedings/book chapters, and 10+ regional and global datasets.
Luca Brocca is involved as PI (and co-PI) in several projects funded by the European Commission and Space Agencies (ESA, EUMETSAT).
Among others, in 2012, he received the “Early Career Research Excellence” award by iEMSs society, in 2018 he has been the winner of the Copernicus Masters competition “BayWa Smart Farming Challenge”, in 2019 and 2020 he has been nominated “Highly Cited Researchers” by Web of Science Group – Clarivate, and in 2021 he won the “ESA–EGU Earth Observation Excellence Award”.
The main research interest of Luca Brocca lies in the development of innovative methods for exploiting satellite observations (soil moisture, rainfall, river discharge) for hydrological applications including floods, landslides, rainfall, droughts, irrigation, water resources management (e.g., SM2RAIN, irrigation from space).

  • Workshop: Playing the water cycle game: data from space for flood risk mitigation and better managing water resources
Maria Fernanda González

María Fernanda is a serial entrepreneur and innovator. She has been creating technological Startups, and business solutions since 2010. She has a Ph.D in Quantum Physics (University of Barcelona, Spain), a Master in Numerical Methods (Polytechnic University of Cataluña, Spain), and MBA from IESE Business School. She has undergraduate studies in Theoretical Physics, Civil Engineering and Physical Oceanography in Colombia. María Fernanda is a specialist in creating business solutions based on Big Data and Machine Learning for large corporations, improving their annual turnover between 5 and 7 percent. In 2013 she was invited by the United States and nominated by Spain to represent the country in its prestigious IVLP (International Visitor Leadership Program). During her professional career she has received the support of several governments through different grants such as the Catalan Government, the Spanish Government, the American Government, the South Korean Government and the Dutch Government.

Her latest venture, of which she is the CEO, is called Planetai Space, which provides services to quantify the Natural Capital of our planet and the negative effects of air pollution on the environment.

  • Satellite-based methane discovering and monitoring: Revolutionizing air pollution control
Mark Dowell

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  • EO for Policy making in the EU
Martin Jung

Martin Jung is a Senior Research Scholar with the Biodiversity, Ecology, and Conservation (BEC) Research Group. His current research focusses broadly on nexus topics of land-use, socio-economic management practices and biodiversity indicators as well as investigating cost-effective solutions for robust monitoring and planning of conservation interventions for species and ecosystems.

  • Actual and potential habitat and vegetation type mapping to support conservation science
Mikaël Maes

Mikaël Maes is a climate and environmental data scientist with over 9 years of professional experience in international organizations, academia, and the private sector. He currently works at the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) in Paris (France), working with OECD countries and analyzing large geospatial data sources to support them with environmental and climate change challenges. Previously, Mikaël obtained a doctorate degree in Environmental Science at University College London, where he was part of a large epidemiological study researching the associations between nature exposure and children's mental health and cognitive development. Mikaël also holds an MSc degree in Environmental Science from King's College London, as well as MSc and BSc degrees in Biology from Ghent University.

  • Assessing population exposure to air pollution: A multi-pollutant indicator framework for OECD countries and partners
  • Land cover change and biodiversity pressures: A global analysis leveraging EO data
Milutin Milenkovic

Milutin Milenković is a research scholar in the Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability Research Group of the IIASA Advancing Systems Analysis Program. His current research combines Earth observation and citizen science to monitor environmental change, particularly tropical forest growth and resilience. He is also a guest researcher in the Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing lab at Wageningen University, The Netherlands, and a guest lecturer at Vienna University of Technology, Austria.

  • Workshop: Citizen Science Mobile App and Data in Support of Forest Mapping: Laxenburg Park Campaign
Mustafa Serkan Isik
  • Workshop: High-Resolution Gross Primary Productivity: Modeling and Mapping Dynamics
Myroslava Lesiv
  • Workshop: Global Forest Watch: the latest data and tools to better protect forests
Nathália Teles

I'm a veterinarian with a background in animal science and currently a PhD student in Environmental Sciences. I work as a researcher and field lead at the Image Processing and GIS laboratory at the Federal University of Goiás. I'm also involved in the Global Pasture Watch Initiative as a member of Lapig's team.

  • A Multi-Source Remote Sensing Approach for Large-Scale Mapping of Other Wooded Lands
Paola De Salvo

Paola De Salvo, Italian National, after receiving her Master’s degree in Environmental Biology cum laude, from the University of Roma Tre, Rome Italy, she started her Geospatial career within the International Institute of Aerospace Survey and Earth Science (ITC) in the Netherlands.
She later brought her GIS and Remote Sensing competencies to the United Nations Specialized Agencies of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Food Programme (WFP) to ensure Earth Observations are used for decision making in developing countries.
She has been instrumental in establishing and training local staff in Web-based Spatial Data Infrastructures in order to increase timely data discoverability and accessibility .
After 12 years of applying her skills within the UN System, she transitioned to the private sector where she worked for Esri Inc, as a solution engineer in support of United Nations and NGO GIS / Remote Sensing related projects.
Believing in the power of Open Earth Observations Data and Knowledge she joined the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Secretariat as an ​Information Technology Officer coordinating GEOSS Platform and GEO Knowledge Hub development, implementation and users uptake.

  • Implementing Open EO Knowledge and the journey towards users engagement
Petr Havlik
  • ForestNavigator: combining forest monitoring and modelling for assessing policy pathways towards EU climate neutrality
Pontus Lurcock

Pontus Lurcock is a software engineer at Brockmann Consult GmbH, with a strong focus on geodatacubes and analysis-ready earth observation data. He has extensive experience of working at the interface between informatics and geosciences, and holds an MSc in Computer Science and a PhD in Geology.

  • Large-scale EO processing with xcube on CDSE
Robert Masolele

Dr. Robert Masolele is a post-doctoral researcher renowned for his work at the intersection of artificial intelligence and remote sensing, particularly in the field of classifying land use changes with a specific emphasis on commodity crops. His innovative research has contributed significantly to our understanding of how agricultural expansion, particularly in the cultivation of commodity crops, impacts global landscapes.

Education and Early Career:
Dr. Masolele earned his Ph.D. in Remote sensing and Machine learning from Wageningen University, where his passion for harnessing cutting-edge technologies to address pressing environmental challenges first took root. His early career saw him working on various projects related to satellite imagery analysis and machine learning applications, laying the foundation for his expertise in the intricate field of land use classification.

Expertise in AI and Satellite Imagery:
Specializing in the fusion of artificial intelligence and high-resolution satellite imagery, Dr. Masolele has developed advanced models and algorithms that excel in classifying land use changes with high accuracy. His research focuses on monitoring the expansion of commodity crops such as cacao, oil palm, rubber, coffee, avocado, pasture, and soy, providing valuable insights into the environmental repercussions of large-scale agricultural practices.

Notable Contributions:
One of Dr. Masolele's most notable contributions includes the development of a novel convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture tailored to handle the complexities of commodity crop identification. His work has led to breakthroughs in mapping the spatial distribution of land use following deforestation, understanding the dynamics of deforestation, and quantifying the ecological impact of crop expansion.

Collaborations and Impact:
Dr. Masolele is a sought-after collaborator in interdisciplinary research endeavors, fostering partnerships between environmental scientists, ecologists, and computer scientists. His work has had a tangible impact on sustainable land management practices and has been influential in shaping conservation policies in regions vulnerable to agricultural encroachment.

In recognition of his outstanding contributions, Dr. Robert Masolele's work has been published in leading academic journals, media outlets, and he frequently presents his findings at international conferences.

As Dr. Masolele continues to push the boundaries of knowledge in his field, his dedication to leveraging artificial intelligence and satellite imagery for the betterment of global ecosystems remains a beacon of inspiration for the scientific community.

  • Workshop: Monitoring Deforestation-related land use change and Carbon Emissions for EUDR and climate policies
  • Mapping Cocoa Farms Across Pantropical Regions Using High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning
Rolf Simoes

Rolf obtained his doctoral degree in Environmental Sciences in 2021 and has a background in geoinformatics, complex systems modeling, and business administration. At OpenGeoHub, he is a postdoctoral researcher.

  • Workshop: Big Data Analytics in Open Geo Hub Cloud using SITS
  • Workshop: Streamlining Earth Observation Data Sharing with the zen Python Library
Santiago Vargas

Dr. Santiago Vargas Domínguez earned his bachelor's degree in Physics and went on to receive both an M.Sc and Ph.D. in Astrophysics. With over 20 years of research experience acquired at institutions across America and Europe, Dr. Vargas specializes in image processing and algorithm application ranging from astrophysics to Earth observation. His expertise extends to utilizing artificial intelligence for data extraction, enabling the development of strategic solutions across various domains.

  • Satellite-based methane discovering and monitoring: Revolutionizing air pollution control
Simone Sabbatini

Simone Sabbatini has a PhD in Forest Ecology, obtained in 2014 at the DIBAF department of the University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy. His background consists in a BSC in Forestry and Environmental Science, and a MSC in Management of Forestry Systems, both held at the University of Florence, Italy. Currently he is a Junior Researcher at the Euri-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC), where he is involved in the activities of the Ecosystem Thematic Center (ETC), a facility of the Integrated Carbon Observatory System Research Infrastructure (ICOS-RI). At the ETC he deals with giving support to the ICOS stations concerning eddy covariance (EC), air meteorological measurements, and file submission. He is also in charge of running quality routines on EC data during the labelling time, and of caring the correct metadata ingestion of sensors by the processing routines.

  • Ground measurements and in-situ observations from the OEMC project for the support of environmental policies and the benefit of society
  • Exploring additional in-situ measurements for the integration of eddy covariance system observations with remote sensing time series
Stien Heremans

Stien Heremans obtained her master in Earth Observation from Leuven University in 2009. She then proceeded with a PhD about the use of machine learning methods for sub-pixel crop classification, which she successfully defended in 2015. Since then, she has been working as a remote sensing expert in the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) of the Flemish government and as a post-doctoral researcher at Leuven University. Her research focuses on the integration of remote sensing data into policy-relevant environmental monitoring and modeling.

  • Deriving policy-relevant geodata from satellite images: lessons learned in the GEO.INFORMED project
Tom Hengl (OpenGeoHub)

Tom is the Director at the OpenGeoHub foundation. He has more than 20 years of experience as an environmental modeler, data scientist and spatial analyst with background in soil mapping and geo-information science. He continuously runs hands-on-R training courses to promote use of Open Source software for spatial analysis / spatial modeling purposes. He is currently the project leader of the OpenLandMap — a system for automated global soil and vegetation mapping at fine spatial resolutions (100 m, 250 m to 1 km) and which aspires to be recognized as an “OpenStreetMap-type” system for environmental data. Tom’s core core philosophy is outlined in this document (see also our Medium article on Tom is recipient of the Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers for 2021/2022/2023.

  • Workshop: Spatiotemporal Machine Learning: fitting models and generating predictions using time-series data
Valentina Premier

Valentina Premier received her Ph.D. degree in information engineering and computer science at the University of Trento, Trento, Italy within the Remote Sensing Laboratory and with Eurac Research, Bolzano, Italy, within the Institute for Earth Observation. She is working on snow water equivalent retrieval by using remote sensing data.

  • Integrating different remote sensing products to produce high spatial and temporal snow estimates in the cloud
Wolfgang Wagner
  • Towards a multi-frequency SAR datacube for global monitoring of dynamic land surface processes
Xuemeng Tian
  • Spatiotemporal prediction of SOCD for Europe (2000–2022) in 3D+T
Yu-Feng Ho

Yu-Feng works in OpenGeoHub, specializing in geocomputing with geo spatial data, optimize and automate modeling frameworks, and parallelization, and back-end development.

  • Workshop: Using GRASS, SAGA and Whiteboxtool to map global high-resolution land relief parameterization adopting Equi7 projection system
Ziga Malek

Ziga Malek is a landscape scientist interested in combining statistical and in-situ data on land use with earth observation products to map the way we use our terrestrial surface beyond what we can observe with satellites. This way, he has mapped the spatial distribution of organic farmers worldwide, land-use decision making and grazing in seminatural areas in Europe. In addition, he has developed land use models - many of which used data derived from earth observation - all across the globe and on different scales. Ziga has obtained his engineers degree at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and his PhD at the University of Vienna, Austria.

  • High-resolution spatial information on livestock density and grassland management in Europe