Stathes Hadjiefthymiades
Stathes Hadjiefthymiades is a Professor on Large Scale Software Systems in the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). His research interests are in the areas of distributed, mobile and pervasive systems. He leads the Research Lab on Network Technologies Services and Applications, the M.Sc. Programme on "Economics and Management of Telecommunication Networks and Information Systems". He is the project coordinator of the EO4EU and TRACE EU funded projects.
this workshop focuses on modern architectures built around cloud computing intended for the processing of EO data and facilitation of relevant applications. among the tools discussed are machine learning enabled modules that support data classification, annotation and compression. Such tools combined with data fusion and semantic information processing transform EO primitive data into meaning rich data sets that directly match application (vertical) requirements. this suite of tools is analytically presented and discussed in details throughout the workshop.