Ilaria Gliottone
I have a background in European Studies (BSc) and Environmental Change and Sustainability (MSc), and I am currently working as a consultant to support the work of the European Commission Joint Research Centre - Knowledge Centre on Earth Observation (KCEO) hosted within the D.6 Unit - Nature Conservation and Observations. I provide technical support to the KCEO in developing thematic assessments (i.e., KCEO deep dives) to analyse how EO could better support EU policies in selected policy domains, including for instance biodiversity and climate adaptation.

The European Commission Knowledge Centre on Earth Observation (KCEO) is developing two use cases, aiming to provide sustained last-mile products and services emerging from the analysis of EU policy needs, EU Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation and GEO activities.
The first use case to transfer into a sustained product and service has emerged from the evaluation of research projects in connection to EuroGEO. In this respect, the EuroGEO Showcases: Applications Powered by Europe (e-shape) project, having received funding from the H2020 programme and aiming to ensure the optimal implementation of EuroGEO is the primary project to evaluate. The pilots of the e-shape project were the candidate use cases considered for implementation and further development by KCEO. They have been evaluated by criteria that consider policy relevance and technical aspects, such as data sources and infrastructures and European principles related to these. As a result of the evaluation, KCEO selected the photovoltaic energy assessment at an urban scale pilot led by ARMINES as the first adopted project. Through the implementation of use cases in a prototypical EuroGEOSS virtual ecosystem, it will also be possible to define the good practices and technologies to be used in the future, operational EuroGEOSS more thoroughly. The use case will be shaped according to the needs of the policy Directorate-Generals (DGs) through the KCEO Deep Dive on Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas in collaboration with ARMINES.
The second use case focuses on monitoring wetlands’ change and degradation processes across EU Natura 2000 (N2K) sites. The use case has been developed from the identification of DG Environment (ENV) policy needs at the policy implementation and evaluation stages of the Habitats Directive and implements the results of the chapter on wetlands of the KCEO Deep Dive on Biodiversity assessment (upcoming science for policy report in 2023). The goal of the use case is to cover the last mile of the EO value chain to enable the full exploitation of EO products and derived products and to foster their uptake in policy making. This should result from 1) requirements translation and co-development with DG ENV stakeholders, 2) fitness for purpose analysis of existing products and applications, 3) co-design of the web application information content, graphics and features, 4) identification of gaps and recommendations for the improvement of products and 5) provision of a working prototype as a proof of concept for an operational service. The project will be framed around three spatial scales of interest: pan-European, river basin and N2K site and four application services: habitat mapping, pressure and condition trend analysis, pressure and condition monitoring and hotspot analysis. The use case acknowledges the importance of integrating EO data from multiple sensors with other data, including hydrological modelling outputs.
The adoption and development of these use cases will answer the specific needs of the EU policies, increase the use of Copernicus data and services and provide visibility to the projects identified generating more value from the investments already made.