Arnan Araza
Arnan Araza has a background as a spatial modeller for ecosystem accounting since 2016 working mostly in water and carbon ecosystem accounting using Earth Observation data and machine learning. He was/has been involved in different ecosystem accounting projects like the World Bank-funded projects Phil-WAVES and ProFor and EU-funded projects such as MAIA, SELINA and currently Open Earth Monitor Project. He is a graduate of MSc and PhD Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing.

The System of Environmental Economic Accounting has been developed by the global statistical committee under auspices of the United Nations Statistical Division. It comprises two complementary parts: the Central Framework and Ecosystem Accounting, that jointly allow recording and analysing environmental data, and connecting environmental information to economic activities including indicators such as GDP. The SEEA uses a suite of connected physical and monetary indicators that are included in spatial datasets as well as accounting tables. This presentation will introduce the audience to the SEEA, show how spatial data (mainly from Earth Observation) is used in SEEA, and demonstrate how SEEA can be used to bring spatial data to a wide range of users. It will also link the SEEA to various EU policy initiatives including the Green Deal.