Let's co-create the Green Deal Data Space
The Green Deal Data Space (GDDS) will interconnect current fragmented and dispersed data from various ecosystems, both from the private and public sectors to facilitate evidence-based decisions and expand the capacity to understand and tackle environmental challenges, for example, for monitoring and reaching environmental objectives in biodiversity, resilience to climate change, circular economy and zero pollution strategies.
This workshop will be partaken by projects EuroGEO Action Group for the Green Deal Data Space in their quest to push the boundaries of data provision, and ensure a FAIR and TRUSTworthy data is available for building a more sustainable future. Some outcomes of the workshop may contribute to the new adhoc ISO TC211 working group on data spaces. Within this Workshop, the following projects will present their current approaches towards enabling the GDDS:
AD4GD: The aim is Integrate standard data sources (e.g. Insitu, RS, CitSci, IoT, AI) in the GDDS, improve semantic interperability, and demonstrate with concrete examples that climate change zero pollution, biodiversity general problems can be solved.
FAIRiCUBE: The core objective is to enable players from beyond classic Earth Observation domains to provide, access, process, and share gridded data and algorithms in a FAIR and TRUSTable manner. We are creating the FAIRiCUBE HUB, a crosscutting platform and framework for data ingestion, provision, analysis, processing, and dissemination, to unleash the potential of environmental, biodiversity and climate data through dedicated European data spaces.
USAGE (Urban Data Space for Green Deal) will provide solutions for making city-level data (Earth Observation, Internet of Things, authoritative and crowdsourced data) available, based on FAIR principles: innovative governance mechanisms, standard-based structures and services, AI-based tools, semantics-based solutions, and data analytics. It will provide decision makers with effective, interoperable tools to address environmental and climate changes-related challenges.
B³ - Global biodiversity is changing under multiple pressures including climate change, invasive species and land-use change. Yet biodiversity data are complex and heterogeneous, making it difficult to understand what is happening fast enough for decision makers to react with evidence-based policies. To solve this B³ will create Open workflows in a cloud computing environment to rapidly and repeatedly generate policy relevant indicators and models of biodiversity change.
GREAT: Funded by the Digital Europe program, aims to establish the Green Deal Data Space Foundation and its Community of Practice which builds on both the European Green Deal and the EU’s Strategy for Data. The project will deliver a roadmap for implementing and deploying the Green Deal Data Space, an infrastructure that will allow data providers and initiatives to openly share their data to tackle climate change in a multidisciplinary manner.
The Open Earth Monitor Consortium is working to contribute infrastructure to the GDDS.